Real World Reports - Feedback:

To me this is the section I care most about and want to turn into a large database of real world reports!!
- Now of course first hand anecdotals are not perfect but theres without a doubt people are FEELING a difference and or noticing a different with relevant lab testing.
- I would love to have more detailed reports that include the cycle duration and frequency for each case. I will continue to work on gathering more details from each report!
I greatly appreciate any personal Reports so feel free to DM me if you want to remain anonymous or just comment below with your experience!!
Adds tremendous value for others to see whats working for particular goals – issues.
Here's the Group Thread where I pulled the following community quotes - reports:
MY Personal Experience:
I personally use injectable form Epitalon a couple times a year to optimize cycle sleep.
Time and time again EPITALON feedback is rather quick improvements in sleep. The cyatomax ORAL Endoluten also has same effect, these are the PINEAL Peptide Bioregulators.
I also had a rather impressive experience using the Heart Bioregulator for an acute issue with heart palpatations - arrhythmia. Prior to using the bioregulator it was to the point I went into urgent care for EKG.
I was told there was no significant issue and nothing could really be done. However it was at some points rather uncomfortable and a very anxiety inducing!
Honestly I trialed the heart bioregulator without expecting much but within 6 hours the heart arrhythmia – palpatations stopped…. which yes I know sounds crazy.
A few other times the same issue popped up and again the Heart Bioregulator helped to seemingly resolve the issue completely.
I have also heard similar reports from at least 2 others in the community regarding arthymia and or palpitations the bioregulators helping FAST. Helping RESOLVE the issue fast which in my opinion is truly proof that these little peptides do what they say they do!!
(Restore - Regenerate - Return systems to HOMEOSTASIS)
Now again just purely anecdotal but I was definitely impressed.
My opinion continues to be Bioregulators are extremely low risk potential high reward tools to aid in our health goals and or struggles!
Report #1:
– Libidon is the CYTOMAX Bioregulator for Prostate
– Don’t mind my comments, I tried to edit them out much as possible lol

Report #2:
– The Cytomax Ovary Bioregulator is also referred to as Zhenoluten
– I very consistently have had reports of the Female Reproductive Bioregulator having a range of beneficial effects and at times being EXTREMELY beneficial.

Report #3:
– Ventfort is Cytomax Biorgulator for Blood Vessels
– Heart Cytomax is CHELOHART
– Bladder Bioregulator is CHITOMUR

Report #4:
- – Brain Cytomax is CERLUTEN
- – Vision Cytomax is VISOLUTEN
- – Blood Vessel is VENTFORT
- – Thyroid is THYREOGEN
- – Adrenal is GLANDOKORT

Report #5:
– Glandokort is ADRENAL Cytomax Bioregulator

Report #6:
– Liver Bioregulator CYTOMAX is SVETINORM

Report #7:
– BRONCHOGEN is SYNTHETIC oral or injectable
– BRONCHOGEN normalises the function of the Bronchi (LUNGS)

Report #8:
– Ovary Bioregulator is ZHENOLUTEN

I will continue to rapidly unload reports here and if people come across any great ones they want to add please do!!
Best Bioregulator Suppliers:

What are the best places to source Peptide Bioregulators ?
For those in the United States:
1.)Promethean Bioregulators
Group Discount Code: Biohacked10
- US Based Supplier that has full line of CYTOMAX Bioregulators
- Cytomax Bioregulators are the MAX Strength NATURAL Bioregulators that are being used in US based clinical trial to show effects on aging via lengthening telomeres and improving methylation.
- Promethean primarily supplies to Doctors – Clinics but I was able to convince them to do a direct to consumer offering for our community!!
Cytomax Bioregulators: ⬇️⬇️
- Adrenal Bioregulator (Glandokort)
- Bladder Bioregulator (Chitomur)
- Bone Marrow Bioregulator (Bonomarlot)
- Heart Bioregulator (Chelohart)
- Cartilage Bioregulator (Sigumir)
- Blood Vessel Bioregulator (Ventfort)
- CNS Bioregulator (Cerluten)
- Stomach Bioregulator (Stamakort)
- Liver Bioregulator (Svetinorm)
- Muscle Bioregulator (Gotratix)
- Ovary Bioregulator (Zhenoluten)
- Pancreas Bioregulator (Suprefort)
- Parathyroid Bioregulator (Bonothyrk)
- Pineal Bioregulator (Endoluten)
- Prostate Bioregulator (Libidon)
- Lung Bioregulator (Taxorest)
- Kidney Bioregulator (Pielotax)
- Retina Bioregulator (Visoluten)
- Testes Bioregulator (Testoluten)
- Thymus Bioregulator (Vladonix)
- Thyroid Bioregulator (Thyreogen)
2.) Cosmic Nootropic - Ships internationally
Group Discount Code: Biohacked10
IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to search CYTOMAXES on cosmic website by NAME
OR just type Cytomaxes into search bar and it will give you the full assortment of options!
– Cytamins and Cytogens are shipped from from out of the US and take 20 – 30 days to arrive but prices are very good.

3.) DN Lab - NON US Option
Group Discount Code: Biohacked15

UAE Next Day Delivery – EU, UK, Asia & Middle East 1-3 Days for Delivery
– Full Line of CYTOMAX Bioregulators as well as full line of traditional injectable peptides.
Affiliate Transparency statement:
I have affiliates with Promethean, Cosmic and DN Lab. I could take affiliate with a few others but I just don’t like taking too many affiliates!!
I have heard good things about Profound Health as a sourcing option its just slower to ship to the US.
Qi Supplements feedback is very mixed with some individuals reporting not receiving order at all so I would be wary of them.
Whenever I take affiliate I am vouching for that supplier and if anything ever does go wrong with an order I do step in to help.
I have direct line to Promethean and Cosmic owners. So for those that do buy from any affiliated suppliers you have added assurance if theres any problems whatsoever you can message me and I will help out. 🙂
I also will be running another poll this year in my big group to see who the community likes most!!
Being unbiased is very important to me so I run polls every year to see who the community likes most! If a new supplier pops up as the favorite then the people have spoken and I will share that news!!
I will have POLL results for favorite Bioregulator supplier here very soon!! I'll be running a poll this fall 🙂

If your newer to Peptides - Peptide Bioregulators and NEED HELP
Even if your experienced but you want to go even deeper!!
Then the Project Biohacked Peptide Education Resource – Private Community is a great option!!
Membership Benefits
– Peptide Bioregulator Education Bioregulator Chart, Dosing, Cycling, Stacking, CLINICAL Approach, Anti Aging Approach ETC

-DEEP Dive GUIDES on Tirzepatide, Semaglutide, Tesamorelin, Cerebrolysin, NAD+ and MORE!! (20+ Peptide Deep Dive Guides)
-A FULL Peptide Education course. Start to FINISH everything you need to know to get started with Peptides.
-Including Video Tutorials and numerous video walk throughs covering all the most frequently asked questions.
-A PRIVATE platform without the limitations and censorship we experience on other platforms (FACEBOOK)
-Simple to use platform APP to keep up with happenings in the group without all the crazy distractions and DRAMA that comes with Facebook and other social platform!!
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